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Faculty in residence give students who live in the 学生宿舍 increased access and interaction with faculty members. Faculty who have served as 一位住校教师发现,他们比以前更了解学生的生活.

驻校教师(FIRs)是皇冠app官方版下载的教师,他们教授各种学科 申请,面试并选择住在学生宿舍. 我们相信 首先,通过提供导师的角色,帮助皇冠app官方版下载的学生过渡到大学生活 在我们的社区里,他们可以帮助学生更自在地接近 他们自己的课程.


想了解更多信息? If you have any questions regarding this 程序, please call the 住房办公室 at 970-351-2721.

Meet the 驻院教员

Hi! 欢迎来到韦伯礼堂!

我的名字是杰基·戴维斯,我是住在Wiebking的住校教员(FIR) 大厅. I live on the ground floor with my sweet, 14.5 一年 old mini dachshund, Daisy. 除了是你的FIR,我还是皇冠app官方版下载特殊教育学院的教员. My academic office is located on the garden level in McKee 大厅. 在开始之前 在科罗拉多州,我花了很多年的时间在幼儿和小学的课堂教学 classrooms in a small, rural, North Florida town on the Suwannee River. 我收到了 我的Ph值.D. from Florida State 大学 in Tallahassee, Florida (Go Seminoles!). 当 我不工作,我喜欢做饭,阅读,看体育比赛,听音乐和播放视频 手机上的游戏. I am also learning to enjoy the many adventurous activities Colorado 提供了. I have been hiking, snowshoeing and indoor rock climbing! 

作为你们的住校教员,我将和你们一起在北京生活、工作和休闲 大厅. I will be helping organize activities, both social and academic. 我是来 support you in any way I can. I look forward to getting to know you and providing activities that meet your needs. Please feel free to share with me any 程序s that would be of interest to you.

如果你看到我(和黛西)在韦伯金礼堂或校园里的任何地方,请不要客气 一定要打个招呼. Here’s to a great 一年 at UNC and Wiebking 大厅!


杰基米. 戴维斯
Faculty-in-Residence, Wiebking 大厅
Office Phone:  970-351-2359



Welcome to the President’s Row! 我是博士。. 安东Dzhamay (my last name pronounced 更接近Jamai,但你可以简单地称呼我为安东),我是你的常驻教员. I live in Luján 大厅 (feel free to knock the door of Apt. 78 on the first floor) and you can sometimes find me working in the Bond 大厅 lounge. 我很期待 meeting and getting to know you. I am available to support you with academic advising, 回答其他皇冠app安卓下载安装大学的问题或者帮助你做数学作业. I 我从2005年开始在数学科学学院工作(我的办公室是2250A Ross 大厅), and have taught pretty much every math course we offer. 此外,我 计划组织一些社交活动,比如游戏之夜,或者偶尔的旅行. 如果有你特别感兴趣的东西,请告诉我. 我的邮箱是 安东.dzhamay@somnioresearch.com.

I grew up in Moscow, Russia, and I moved to the U.S. 1993年开始攻读博士学位.D. 程序 in Mathematics at Columbia 大学. Prior to coming to Colorado I was an Assistant 密西根大学安娜堡分校教授,哥伦比亚大学客座教授 大学. 我的数学研究方向是非线性动力系统, 我很幸运在世界各地有许多亲密的同事和朋友. I 曾在哥伦比亚大学、悉尼大学等地工作和教学 澳大利亚、英国剑桥大学、高等经济与科技学院 俄罗斯莫斯科,中国上海大学,日本东京大学 还有很多其他的. 

我非常喜欢旅游,远足,各种数学和非数学板 游戏、谜题以及皇冠app安卓下载安装音乐、电影、文学等的对话. 感觉 free to sometimes join me for a cup of coffee and a talk. 

另外,请留意数学科学学院的庆祝活动 通常在十月下旬举行的“心灵节”(将在十月的星期四) 今年是21岁). It is fun event with a lot of games, puzzles and a major show. 停止 by!




大家好,我是小君公园,我是驻校教员(FIR),在 UNC. Since I started working on campus in 2018, it has been a blast. 我绝对 love spending time with my students and residents. My hobbies are watching movies and working out at the Recreation Center. Every semester I provide FIR 程序ming such as “Let’s Make New Friends,” “Book Club,” “Game Night,” etc. 我想。 鼓励你在学习期间参加这些项目和其他大学活动 一年.

I look forward to meeting you in person and getting to know you better! :)




我很兴奋 to meet all of you as 这学期 unfolds. I am your Faculty-in-Residence, FIR的缩写是at 总统一行. 对于那些不确定这是什么意思的人,我是一名全职教员 who lives in the 学生宿舍. I am a senior lecturer in the Anthropology Department who also teaches for the Life of the Mind Program. I am passionate about my discip林e, 教学与学生. I opted to join the FIR 程序 in 2014. 我花了第一 搬到总统街之前,我在哈里森大厅住了两年. 作为一个 我来这里是为了帮助协调一些活动,以便花时间了解你们所有人. I look forward to hosting times to hang out and chat. I hope to be an additional resource 为了你的校园生活. I think the connections we make with faculty during our collegiate experience play a big role in our success and experience. 所以请随时皇冠app官方版下载 如果你想一起喝茶、散步或吃晚饭,请告诉我 在餐厅. 

寻找皇冠app安卓下载安装你参加活动的机会的公告 这学期. I look forward to being able to get out and share some of my favorite 去不同的餐厅了解格里利和美丽的市中心社区, taking a city bus tour and watching art flicks at the Kress Cinema & 休息室. 看 for things like pumpkin painting, or craft nights and game nights. 留意短信 和电子邮件!

作为皇冠app官方版下载的校友(我的学士学位是在这里的历史专业获得的),我一直很钦佩校长们 Row space and am delighted I call this home. I am sure you will see my son and I in 餐厅不定期,所以请过来介绍一下你自己. 我很兴奋 去了解你. 

我的办公室在坎德拉里亚2233号,如果你在那边,你永远 welcome to swing by and say hello. 





欢迎来到南厅! 我是博士。. 珍妮•哈丁 and I am your Faculty-in-Residence. 这意味着我和你一起住在南厅,我可以支持你度过难关 学术建议和赞助项目,旨在帮助您成为成功的皇冠app官方版下载学生. 关注我的课程:时间管理,如何通过期中考试 and the All-Campus Scavenger Hunt.

我是教师教育学院的教授,在皇冠app官方版下载工作了18年. 我以前是一名小学教师和教学技术专家. I have been awarded the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences 优秀的顾问 2008年和2012年 卓越教学阿诺·H. 2021年获得卢克奖.

I look forward to meeting you and supporting you! You are welcome to schedule an appointment to meet with me on the first floor of South 大厅 through my email: 珍妮•.哈丁@somnioresearch.com.

:) Dr. 哈丁


亲爱的 LAwrenson: 

LA又名博士. Lin A艾伦,欢迎你来到北卡大学!  As your Faculty-in-Residence (FIR), I invite you to check Out of special S c h 好吧。   这是我最喜欢的 我正在设计的程序来帮助你成功驾驭我们的宇宙城. 

我是传播学学院的教授,在坎德拉里亚大厅,我最近 venture是与生物学教授斯科特·富兰克林(Scott Frank林)进行科学交流的团队教学. I also teach a persuasion course based on 《皇冠app官方版下载》 episodes and courses in courtroom communication. My persuasion course features “Spock trials,” and my courtroom courses feature mock trials. I led a study-abroad course 几年前的夏天,在传播学的发源地希腊雅典. I 我还在拉斯维加斯大学设计并教授了一门皇冠app安卓下载安装英雄和公众记忆的课程 a visiting professor before joining UNC’s faculty. 

我对研究英雄和遗产的兴趣始于6岁,并一直持续到现在 in high school, where I participated in debate and drama. 一场高潮正在上演 the role of a mother of a soldier missing in action in The Death and Life of Larry Benson, as well as performing dramatic readings of Luigi Pirandello’s 战争.

研究旅游目的地包括新加坡,在那里我提出了各种分析 从婚礼蛋糕到使用气垫船,都是最高法院的争议案件 in national parks to winning trademarks for rock bands. 新加坡的象征是天鹅 鱼尾狮,我喜欢把这个半美人鱼半狮子的容器看作是各种各样的 aspects of our persona — playful, mysterious, strong. And I love to swim, so this mythic creature catalyzes my creativity! 

雅典娜,我的猫,我很高兴欢迎你来到我们的新校园 的顶层 La这里的景色应该会激发安东尼·德·圣埃克苏佩里的新见解, “我们都有星星,但它们对不同的人来说是不一样的.” 

What are the stars for you?


Dr. 林艾伦
